Einat Medical Agencies is a private held company that operates since 1997.
The company has an exclusive distribution agreements with leading medical devices manufacturers from Europe ,Usa and far east.
Einat is specialized in various medical disciplines. Its goal is to implement new and innovative technologies in the Israeli market.
The following is a brief review of the fields that Einat is involved:
Ophthalmology - Intraocular lenses , Femtosecond lasers for cataract and refractive surgeries, solutions for retina procedures and instruments for the microchirurgy of the eye.
Interventional radiology - Diagnostic and selective catheters, picc lines.
Medical lasers - Wide range of ambulatory procedures, laser assisted, for Phlebology, Proctology, Urology and Ear Nose and Throat.
Devices for neonates and newborn - Eye covers for phototherapy, Oxygen/nitrous and Oxygen/air blenders.
Medical disposables - Respiratory and Anesthesia , securements, electrosurgery etc.
עינת מדיקל סוכנויות בע"מ | כתובת: בנין כוכב יוקנעם (קומה 4), ת.ד 704 יוקנעם עלית, מיקוד 20692 | טלפון: 04-9590088 | פקס: 04-9590090 | מייל: emedical@netvision.net.il